SLC - Season 4, Episode 3 - All Tricks, No Trust

Still in Palm Springs, the rest of the ladies arrive to find out Whitney got there early, brought Angie K who wasn't invited and took the best rooms. 
Still Open - Trixie Motel

Meredith plans a weird activity where they dress each other as a "trust" activity which clearly was just a thinly veiled attempt to humiliate Lisa.  
Still Open - Marianne
Still Open - Bazar

The ladies head to dinner in their ridiculous outfits and then play a game - which always turns out so well on housewives. (Heather, Mary - Espresso martini, Whitney, Lisa - Tequila, bread and butter and ahi tacos for the table)  A fight obviously breaks out and Meredith demands the waiter remove Angie from the dinner and then Heather throws up in the van on the way home.  
Still Open - Copley's


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