Potomac - Season 8, Episode 6 - Tequila, Tears and Texas

The fight at the hotel pool continues with Wendy showing she's in the wrong by throwing out that Nneka smokes crack.  
Still Open - Van Zandt

Everyone heads to dinner in two cars where the Nneka and Wendy fight continues separately. They get to the restaurant (two reposado pitchers, masa fries, pecan spread, bacon wrapped dates for the table) and immediately launch into a gross sex convo about swallowing.  
Closed - Wax Myrtle's

Ashley starts day two by planning an activity for the women to paint their vaginas (WTF even for her messy ass).  They proceed to beat Robyn up for 2 hours and then head out for their separate activities - boot shopping, and Whiskey tasting.  
Still Open - Tecovas
Still Open - Still Austin

Everyone meets back up for lunch (Candiace - magonada and churro, Gizelle - azul on the rocks and the big crispy, Karen - Corona, Mia - white wine, Robyn - Abre Los Ojos shot, Ashley - shot of Azul) and talk about Nneka's wedding and somehow that leads to Karen figuring out that she bought her blue check on twitter.  Then of course back to giving Robyn crap about Juan. 
Still Open - Cantina 512


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