Miami - Season 6, Episode 6 - Farmer of the Opera
The party continues to celebrate Martina being cancer free with Julia singing for Martina. Lisa shows up late because she is STILL living with Lenny and he flipped out on her. Then Guerdy goes off on Larsa because she very rudely told everyone that she had cancer without her permission.
Still Open - F*ck Cancer
Still Open - Fogo de Chao
Nicole takes her son to get a hair cut. Meanwhile Larsa and Adriana take Lisa shopping for a new place to live and she invites all the girls to Palm Beach.
Still Open - Danny Jeleca
Nicole, her son, Julia, and Alexia go to pick sunflowers, and then eat after (Nicole - ginger revival, Julia - ginger revival extra cucumber, Alexia - tropical refresher and farm fresh tomato mozzarella salad for the table) Nicole's going to try to have another baby and they are all worried about Lisa.
Still Open - Berry Farm
Marysol (two chilled vodkas with cranberry on the side), Kiki (mimosa), and Guerdy (grey goose and grapefruit with jalapeno yellowtail) and talk about Larsa is a dirty dog who outed her cancer
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