BH - Season 13, Episode 3 - It's Not about the Pants

The ladies are in Vegas and talking about what a disaster Sutton is at dating and celebrating Crystal's birthday
Still Open - Resorts World

They then head to Magic Mike's where Sutton has a melt down bc they are not completely focused on her. (Garcelle - casa amigo blanco neat) Garcelle also delivers the line of the season so far when she says "Did Sutton have a stork?"
Still Open - Magic Mike's
Still Open - Sahara

After Sutton starts to realize (I think) how ridiculous she is for having her SECOND pants related melt down they head to dinner.  (Garcelle - hot mint tea, Crystal - Don Julio on the rocks, Kyle - King crab tempura, scallops, miso cod taco for the table)
Still Open - FUHU


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