NJ - Season 13, Episode 13 - Messes and Bridesmaid Dresses

Teresa takes her daughters to try on their bridesmaid dresses and her ex husband calls to wish her well.  
Still Open - Coco's Chateau

Margaret (unsweetened iced tea, marouli salad for the table) takes her Mom (unsweetened iced tea) and friends (Lexi - aperol spritz, Lexi's mom - diet coke) to lunch
Still Open - Lefkes

Dolores (vodka rigatoni with parm and water for the table) goes to dinner with Frank (angry chicken) who shoes up in a leather vest and undershirt and then cries bc Dolores is moving on after 25 years.
Still Open - Bottagra

Jennifer A throws a surprise bridal shower for Teresa
Still Open - Brando's


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