Miami - Season 4, Episode 2 - Sushi Rolls and Wedding Woes

Lisa and Lenny go to dinner to celebrate his birthday and she forgets how old he is.  They also run into Larsa on a date. 
Still Open - Prime 112

Alexia (mojito) goes to dinner with her fiancĂ© Todd (vodka on the rocks with a lime or two) to talk about the wedding, and if Peter will walk her down the aisle. 
Still Open - Yuca 105

Alexia takes Marysol to go look at a wedding venue with Guerdy (and it's a no - completely creeping out Alexia and Marysol)
Still Open - Spanish Monastery
Still Open - Guerdy Design

Alexia (croquette sampler) takes Peter to dinner to talk about his life and if he'll walk her down the asile
Still Open - Versailles

Nicole throws a party at her house
Still Open - M Lora Designs


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