BH - Season 12, Episode 2 - Receipt Offender

Kyle (tomato soup and grilled chicken salad, chardonnay and iced tea) and Lisa (chardonnay, grilled chicken salad, iced tea) meet and talk about Kyle's hit movie (Halloween), Erika's life getting more normal.
Still Open Republique

Sutton and Crystal (latte) to have a pancake (aka Crepe) cake and talk about how Sutton is being mean to Lisa and Erika.
Still Open - Lady M Cake Boutique

Harry is 70!  (burrata salad with fig, artichoke and arugula, saffron risotto, Spaghetti a la Bolognese, fresh beries and cream) where we meet new housewife Diana Jenkins
Still Open - Andaz

Kyle goes to visit Sutton at her store to talk about the event that she is planning for Alexis Mabille and so Kyle can confront her about how insensitive she was to Dorit being held had gun point.
Still Open - The Sutton Concept


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