OC - Season 16, Episode 3 - Gone Guy

Shannon takes Noella to try to fix her face from all the filler she put in last year and we find out that Noella's son is autistic and her husband is a broke liar. 
Still Open - Jen Rosenfeld Aesthetics

Gina and Noella go to get cyro therapy and talk again about how her husband is a broke liar. 
Still Open Cryo Haus

Noella meets Shannon (belvedere and soda with a couple limes) and Nicole to talk about how Shannon outed her for suing Terry a million years ago.
Still Open - Country Club

Gina (kettle one dirty martini, charcuterie) and Shannon (heirloom tomato salad, brussel sprouts) meet to talk about how Shannon dropped a bunch of inappropriate info and then blamed Gina for knowing what she told her. Noella (extra dirty martini) joins them to talk about how her husband blind sided her with divorce papers.


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