SLC - Season 2, Episode 5 - Gin and Bear It

Brooks graciously agrees to let Jen apologize to him.
Still Open - 350 Main

The husband's get together (Shariff - shrimp and grits, Lisa's husband - mussels and frites, Meredith's husband - salmon plus old fashioned with tequila)
Still Open - Bodega

Jennie (carpaccio di bue) and Whitney (lasagna classica) have lunch to talk about how busy they are and how neither is going to have more children.
Still Open - Toscana

Heather and Meredith go skiing together and then have lunch (Irish coffee and charcuterie) and talk about the best way to talk to Heather's kids about sex.
Still Open - Last Chance Grill

Whitney and Lisa (classic PGT plus apple and bourbon pecan pie) meet to try to make up
Still Open - Alpine Pie Bar


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