NY - Season 13, Episode 10 - Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Bored

Ramona avoiding race issues continues.  (Eboni - Tequila, club soda, lime, Everyone - burrata and beet salad, Ramona - Pellegrino)
Still Open - Hawthrone Hotel
Still Open Black Veil Studio

The next day they all head to the pioneer village to learn about early settlement in Salem where they try to make everyone dress up but Eboni hilariously (and correctly) says she can't put on the colonizer uniform. 
Still Open  - Pioneer Village

They head to dinner where Bershan (pinot noir) lets her crazy show (Luann - diet coke, Ramona - Veal picatta, Sonja - NY Sirloin) and Ramona dances on a table to try to distract her. 
Still Open - Bella Verona


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