NJ - Season 11, Episode 2 - Licked Up and Down

While Dolores is away with the woman Frank and David go shoot guns and talk about how David is a bad boyfriend. 
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Meanwhile the women arrive at their vacation rental at Lake George and start to try to explain to Teresa that Jackie wasn't actually saying anything about Gia.
Still Open - Vacation Rental

Heading to dinner (Melissa - sparkling water and watermelon martini and Surf and Turf plus seafood tower and bottle of cab for the table, Teresa - tequila and pineapple and Surf and Turf, Jennifer - tequila and pineapple and Surf and Turf, Lexi - tequila and soda and swordfish, Marge - unsweetened ice tea and swordfish, Dolores - diet coke) to talk more about Jackie and sex.


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