Miami - Season 1, Episode 2 - Black Ball'd

Alexia goes into work at her magazine and talks about the challenge of all her thirsty socialite friends wanting to be in the magazine. 
Closed - Venue Magazine

This week is Cristy's turn for a cooking party and she does Cuban food with a kooky chef. Marisol and Lea blew her peppy a** off.
Still Open - Chef Pepin

Larsa meets with her girlfriends to talk about how sexy she is and how all her nannies are terrible.

Marisol gets ready for the event with Mama Elsa
Still Open - Rik Rak

Lea is planning for her gala and Marisol is doing the publicity where Christy shows up without buying a 
ticket and Lea kicks her out. Meanwhile Kim Zolciak is there with DJ Tracy Young - random
Still Open - Fontaine Bleau


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