Dallas - Season 4, Episode 2 - Roasted and Toasted

Stephanie and Kameron take Kary to try the newest workout
Still Open - Ninety 20

Brandi (skinny margarita) and LeeAnne (margarita) 
Still Open - Kung Fu Saloon

LeeAnne (margarita and spinach artichoke dip) and Rich (jack and coke) have dinner and reminisce about how they met and getting married.
Location closed but still open - Matchbox

D'Andra (rose and meat and cheese board) and LeeAnne (sparkling rose and burrata) meet for dinner to see if they can make up after all
Still Open - 60 Vines

Kary (beet salad and burrata) and Eduardo go to dinner to talk about their marriage
Still Open - CRU

D'Andra has a birthday party/roast because she's turning 50
Still Open - One Sette


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