DC - Season 1, Episode 8 - Nation Building

Lynda is having a model casting for a fashion show for an African designer.  She later meets with the designer and then hosts the event where she hilariously posts Tareq and Michaele's photo to keep them out.
Still Open - T.H.E. Artist Agency
Still Open - Clara Lawson-Ames

Lynda and Mary meet with Cat to talk to her about how much stress she's under
Still Open The Madison

Tareq and Michaele check into a hotel for the night and then have a fancy dinner at the hotel's restaurant with an unnamed couple.

Stacie finds someone at the Nigerian embassy to meet with someone who might be able to find her father for her.
Still Open - Sova Espresso & Wine

And so it begins....Michaele goes to get her hair done getting ready for the event they are going to sneak into.


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