DC - Season 1 - Episode 2 - Disloyal to the Party

 Mary and Cat meet for lunch and talk about how Mary spoils her daughter Lally then she talks Mary into coming riding with Michaele.
Still Open - Leopold's

Mary and Cat go riding with Tareq and Michaele and at the end he serves them beer after telling them all about his winery.
Closed - Oasis Winery

Michaele is throwing a party for Paul Wharton and views a venue.  During the planning his publicist mentions his 30th birthday and how great it was (Lynda planned it).  Then the day of the party Michaele asks Paul to get ready with her at the Four Seasons and she stands him up, and is late to the party so she can make an entrance in a cheesy white limo.  She then yells at Lynda for saying she's very thin (which she clearly is)
Still Open - Park Fourteen


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