Potomac - Season 5, Episode 3 - Sip and See You Later

We open at Ashley's party where they are all asking Candiace to apologize.  Afterwards Monique and Candiace get it to it off camera.
Still Open - Via Sophia

Ashley and Michael go shopping for an outfit for her sip and see
Still Open - Lemoncello

Candiace and Monique go shopping for the sip and see
Still Open - Little Birdies

Gizelle has dinner on a boat for her birthday with her whole family, including her ex-husband who announces he invested in a restaurant in his daughter's names
Still Open - Arizona's
Still Open - Cabaret Yacht

Ashley has her sip and see where Candiace leaves because she feels like she is getting ganged up on and then Monique leaves because she has no time for Charisse

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