Potomac - Season 5, Episode 16 - Picking SIdes

Back at lunch where Karen is picking on Robyn and Gizelle's relationship.  Then the ladies take a toboggan down the hill and head to the market for some shopping
Still Open - Greenhouse Coffee Roaster
Still Open - Mercado dos Lavradores
Still Open - Toboggan

Back at the hotel Gizelle (dirty martini) and Ashley (red wine) meet at the barto talk about how they are breaking into Wendy's room to scare her.
Still Open - Savoy Palace
Still Open - Lobby Bar

All the ladies head to dinner (For the table - Bread, 3 kinds of butter, salt with spicy salt.  Robyn - Fish of the day, Gizelle, Wendy and Candiace- Lobster, snapper and Ravioli) where Ashley goes in on Candiace about making fun of Michael for crying about a miscarriage she had the year before.  Then back to the hotel bar. 
Still Open Nini Design Center


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