OC - Season 14, Episode 17 - Florida Fun and Fury

Braunwyn (chipotle chicken and iced tea) meets Kelly (Chilean sea bass and iced tea) to convince her to come to Miami/Key West
Still Open Carmelita's Kitchen de Mexico

Gina and Tamra go shopping to talk about Kelly coming to Miami/Key West
Still Open - CAllie Girl Boutique

Vicki has everyone over to let them know that she's engaged.  Shannon is divorced and Gina is sleeping with her ex-husband.

Everyone goes to meet Braunwyn in Miami where they are all greeted with mojitos
Still Open - The Confidante

Everyone goes out clubbing at basically a strip club where Kelly makes an effort and they shut her down.  Then they go back to the hotel drunk at 2am and Kelly makes fun of Shannon for having long hair at her age and Gina for being too blond.
Still Open - E11even

The next day Tamra, Gina (vodka), Braunwyn (grey goose and soda with a lime) hang at the pool.  Braunwyn tries to get Kelly to apologize to Shannon and Tamra. 


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