NY - Season 7, Episode 15 - Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

The Turks & Caicos vacation continues....
Still Open - Bella Vita

All the ladies head to a resort where they have lunch and dinner and drink all day..... #drunkdorinda #dirtymartini
Still Open - Gansavort
Still Open - Stelle

After Heather and Carole go to bed everyone else goes out dancing and bring strange guys home.  Heather loses it, and Luann tells her "Don't be all, like uncool"

Bethenny (coffee with steamed soy milk) and Carole (coffee, orange juice) meet so Carole can fill her in on the rest of the trip.  Dorinda shows up and acknowledges that she takes a nap every day from 4 - 4:45
Still Open - Laduree


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