OC - Season 8, Episode 16 - Crossroads

Tamra and Eddie go to dinner (bottle of cabernet blend, Shrimp Ceviche, and Ahi chips to start)
Still Open - Deck on Laguna

Alexis (margarita) and Gretchen have lunch to talk about their relationship and how they still don't like each other.
Still Open True Food Kitchen

Lydia and her Mom (lavender tea for both) go for tea and talk about tea bagging
Still Open - 

Vicki (spinach salad and the chicken) and Brooks (fried chicken, mashed potatoes, cheese grits) go to taste test Vicki's Vodka, name the bloody piggy and then head to dinner to talk about their relationship.
Still Open Stillwater Spirits
Still Open - Solbar

Lydia and her Mom go to get tea and talk about Tea Bags
Still Open - milk & honey

Vicki (Spinach salad and Chicken) and Brooks (Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and cheese grits) go to dinner to talk about their relationship again
Still Open - Solbar


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