NJ - Season 1, Episode 1 - Thicker Than Water

So many moments!  "I don't want to live in a used house" "You'll either love me or hate me, their is no in between with me" "Jacqueline's heart is as big as her boobies"  "I heard the economy is tanking....that's why I pay cash"  Andy Cohen - I salute you and what may be your finest work

Dina takes Lexi to go play tennis at the country club and talks about how she wants a boob reduction

Danielle goes to meet "Gucci Model" who she has been having phone sex with for 2 years and never met - and he STANDS HER UP
Closed - Lua

Albi has a graduation party and Vito is there minus Lauren
Still Open - The Brownstone

Dina and Jacqueline go get their hair done before having a girls night out in NYC and Danielle threatens to crash
Still Open - Chateau
Closed - One


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