OC - Season 5, Episode 6 - All Girls Weekend

Jim, Simon and Slade join the ladies on their girls weekend
Still Open  - W Hotel Fort Lauderdale

The ladies go on a swamp tour including Lynn who is hilarious bc she is still on pain killers from her facelift 10 days ago
Still Open  - Billie Swamp Safari

Alexis (crab cake with a piece of lobster) joins the trip and the ladies go to dinner where everything is going well until they announce they are going next door to a club to the meet the husbands and Vicki (still water with lemon) leaves crying.
Still Open - Steak 954
Still Open but rebranded Living Room

After feeling guilty Tamra invites Vicki for a manicure to apologize for last night
Still Open but rebranded - Away Spa

The men go to lunch to talk about how angry Slade is at Vicki
Still Open - Heron Bay Golf Club


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