OC - Season 4, Episode 5 - 120 in the Shade
Raquel and her friends go out to talk about plans for her birthday
Still Open - The Cliff Restaurant
Tamra (chopped salad) and Jeana go to Lake Havasu with Vicki. Vicki gets upset because Jeana brought Frankie (Vicki's former tenant that she hates). Vicki gets hit on the head with a football and Don is so sweet
Still Open - Naked Turtle Bar
Lynn takes her daughters shopping
Still Open - Intermix
Gretchen goes with her family to Bass Lake
Lynn and her husband go to lunch to talk about buying a car for Raquel
Closed - Cafe Vienna
Still Open - The Cliff Restaurant
Tamra (chopped salad) and Jeana go to Lake Havasu with Vicki. Vicki gets upset because Jeana brought Frankie (Vicki's former tenant that she hates). Vicki gets hit on the head with a football and Don is so sweet
Still Open - Naked Turtle Bar
Lynn takes her daughters shopping
Still Open - Intermix
Gretchen goes with her family to Bass Lake
Lynn and her husband go to lunch to talk about buying a car for Raquel
Closed - Cafe Vienna
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