OC - Season 3, Episode 7 - Moving Violations

The "OC Angels" go shopping for bikini's where pervy old men try to pressure the very young OC angels to come out and model bikinis they don't feel comfortable in
Still Open - Dare Me Bikini

Quinn goes to brunch with her girlfriends to plan a birthday party for one of her boyfriends
Closed The Beach House

The ladies arrive in San Diego to celebrate Jeana's separation
Still Open - US Grant

They all go out to a club *first real housewives vacay
Still Open Formerly Stingaree, now renamed Omnia

Jeana and Frankie go out for lunch to talk about San Diego and how Vicki is being crazy about renting Vicki's house 
Closed Infusion Restaurant and Martini Bar

Quinn goes out for Billy's birthday and meets all his friends
Still Open Tannin's

Tamra takes her clients out to thank them for their business
Closed Spasso's


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