OC - Season 3, Episode 4 - Pantry Raid!

Vicki and Jeana go to dinner to talk about selling the second house that she bought to downsize but now is suddenly realizing that she likes big houses?  Also Jeana says "you'll never lose money on this house" que the mortgage crisis. 
Closed - Valentina

All the ladies go to dinner to meet Tamra
Still Open Beach Fire

Jeana invites Tamra to boot camp
Still Open John Ellis

Lindsay's Mom Tammy gives her a modeling job
Still Open Java Jean Bar

George and Lauri go to dinner with Tamra and Simon to get to know each other better
Closed The Wicked Garden

Lindsay goes to get a car on her own since her Dad died
Still Open  - Hanna's

Tamra and Simon go out with Ryan since he's 21 now
Closed Mosun


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