Dallas - Season 3, Episode 4 - God Save the Queen, B...

The ladies go snowmobiling in Beaver Creek and then had lunch that Kam pre-ordered for everyone
Still Open - Nova Guides
Still Open - McAllisters Grill

Brandi and D'Andra go shopping for cowboy hats  and boots that D'Andra can't afford
Still Open - Beaver Creek Hats

The ladies go to dinner (Brandi- Cabernet, Kam - diet coke, Cary - snow leopard and soda with citrus, D'Andra - Tequila and lime with a little bit of soda, LeeAnne - vodka cranberry with lime and everyone has buffet) and host a pageant for D'Andra and LeeAnne to decide who the Queen of the group is.
Still Open Bear Cat Stables


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