Dallas - Season 1, Episode 7 - Black and Blues

Heidi, LeeAnne and Tiffany have lunch to talk MORE about charity.  Heidi shows up dressed like a 90s hip hop star and then tells them Cary got her husband by being on her knees under his desk
Still Open Toulouse

LeeAnne and Tiffany go shopping and talk about how LeeAnne needs to make up with Stephanie and Brandi and not ruin her husband's event
Still Open - Clothes Circuit

Brandi (Cabernet) and Bryan have lunch to talk about their relationship again but this time Bryan apologizes and isn't a complete jerk. 
Still Open  - Whiskey Cake

LeeAnne invites Stephanie to lunch to apologize
Still Open Lavendou

Tiffany and her husband have a charity concert where everyone is invited to Heidi's goth fair party (which may be in the running for oddest theme in housewives history).  At the party Heidi is openly rude to Stephanie.
Still Open House of Blues


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