NY - Season 7, Episode 3 - Battle of the Brunches

Bethenny hosts the ladies for brunch at her house while Ramona hosts a competing brunch
Still Open 75 Main

Dorina and John (share shrimp salad, pizza and wine) go to lunch and John refuses to get off the phone
Still Open Gina

Ramona orders in from Atlantic Grill (seafood cobb salad) for Lunch with Luann to talk about the divorce and how Mario is on dating sites.
Still Open  - Atlantic Grill

Dorinda (glass of champagne) is waiting for the other ladies and confuses a guest for an employee in a restaurant and asks him to check her coat
Closed Millesime

Bethenny (three chile house infused tequila, splash of frozen and a lime) Heather (three chile house infused tequila, fresh lime juice, splash of agave) and Luann (same as Heather) have lunch
Still Open Dos Caminos

LuAnn plans a ladies night out and invites Kelly and Dorinda's John shows up in appropriately 
Closed  - Beautique


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