NY - Season 10, Episode 18 - There's No Place Like Home

Everyone is back in the US. Ramona reveals her reno in the Hamptons to LuAnn, Dorinda, and Sonja while Carole and Tinsley catch up in NYC

Bethenny shows Dorinda her new apartment in NYC

Bethenny takes LuAnn to make her own lipstick for her cabaret

Carole and Dorinda go to lunch and talk about Carole's book being optioned for tv. (Carole - Greek Salad, Dorinda - Roast Chicken)
Closed Merakia

Carole hosts a Party for her issue of Cosmo with a athlesiure theme
Closed Neou Fitness

Dorinda goes to visit John at work 
Still Open Madame Paulette

Ramona hosts a party for her skincare launch
Closed Megu


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