NY - Season 5, Episode 4 - Diss-Invite

Ramona invites Aviva and Carole (double pasta) to lunch
Closed Ciano

Sonja meets LuAnn instead of Ramona
Still Open - Sidecar

Carole and her neighbor Tripp go to a protest and then for a drink
Closed - Dubliner

Ramona takes Heather (hummus) to drinks to try to get an invitation to London
Still Open T bar

Heather and Luann go to an art show so she can invite Luann to London and tell her she didn't invite Ramona
Still Open - Twenty First

Aviva and Heather (whispering angel for both) go for drinks so that Aviva can let Heather know she is too scared to go without her husband
Closed - XVI Lounge

Sonja has a party thrown for her social life magazine cover where Ramona awkwardly confronts Heather about not inviting her to London and then storms out. 
Still Open - Social Life Magazine


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