NY - Season 4, Episode 13 - Your Tweeting Heart

Cindy has a party because Completely Bare is launching vajazzling.  Simon takes the chance to ask Jill to lunch to talk about him being upset? Then Kelly rightly tells him he's being weird
Closed - kiss & fly

Sonja has a feng shui expert over to help with the energy in her house
Still Open - Judith Wendell

Ramona throws herself a birthday party and surprises Sonja that it is a party for her also.
Still Open - Apella

Ramona and Cindy have a glass of wine and talk about Cindy not wanting to date

Cindy goes to dinner with her parents where she talks about how she can't manage a baby on a plane
Closed Blue Water Grill

Kelly asks Alex to lunch to try to get her to tell him to stop tweeting
Still Open  - Delicatessen


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