NY - Season 10, Episode 6 - Grief and Relief

Carol meets Tinsley for Lunch and announces that Adam is dating someone else and they are broken up.  She gets three eggs - two scrambled and one hard boiled, and then tells Tinsley that she can't have cheese on her Avocado toast
Still Open Harold's

Sonja has a broker out to talk about renting her townhouse

Bethenny and Dorinda meet in Miami to go to Puerto Rico
Still Open SLS Hotel

Carol, Tinsley and Ramona get their nails done and talk about Sonja
Still Open  - Haven Nail Spa

Luanne meets her daughter Victoria (wine with ice) to catch up after the divorce
Still Open - La Pecora Bianca

Bethenny takes Dorinda to meet all her partners in the Puerto Rico efforts.  Dorinda is my favorite version of her - wasted Dorinda.
Still Open  - Katsuya

Sonja has a house stager over and says are you sure you aren't bisexual?  If I buy you something will you get sexual? 


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