BH - Season 6, Episode 3 - Horsing Around

Kyle and Lisa V are still in Tuscany and talking about how she isn't invited to Nicki Hilton's wedding.  Lisa and Kyle then go shopping for the wedding
Still Open - Villa Rosalba
Still Open - Save the Queen

Lisa R takes her girls to get their nails done
Still Open - Oh, la, la

Erica is introduced by going to the spa with Yolanda
Closed Infusio

Lisa R and Eileen (Pinot Grigio) meet for drinks in matching leopard dresses.  Kyle (Chardonnay) joins them in a non-leopard dress and talks about Kim going back to rehab
Closed -  Glendon Bar & Grill

The Lisa's go to look at Rosebud who ends up having a dodgy leg
Still Open - All Star Horse Farm

We meet Erika! Erika meets her team at a dance studio
Still Open - 5-6-7-8 Studio

Kevin Lee plans Ken's birthday lunch for his 70th birthday including a "Hat Tree"
Still OpenKevin Lee


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