BH - Season 5, Episode 2 - Who Stalked J.R.?

Brandi moves into her new house
Still Open  - Meathead Movers

Lisa has her custom shirt maker come over to design some new shirts and we meet her new housekeeper.
Still Open - Claire Couture

Kyle and her family head to Lake Tahoe
Still Open - Wheels Up Jets

Lisa R. (Iced Tea with lemon, Frank Stallone baby kale salad) meets her new agent (water) and talk about the need to rebrand her endorsement deals....
Still Open  - Fabrocini's

Lisa and Shiva go shopping for jewelry where Lisa sees a 250k pink sapphire ring
Still Open Beaudry

Yolanda takes Kim riding and her pants don't fit
Still Open - Malibu Riders

Brandi goes to meet Adrienne and talk about what happened in the past
Closed - Rive Gauche Cafe

Kim and Brandi pathetically go stalk her ex in weird costumes


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