OC - Season 12, Episode 9 - Drag Bingo Bombshell

Lydia and her Mom are shopping and find a shawl they love.
Still Open - ARIS

Kelly and Meghan go shopping for Aspen's crib
Still Open - Newport Cottages

Meghan and Vicki meet for lunch (tomato tower) to talk about the fight and Vicki once again says that David beats Shannon
Closed - Central

Tamra and Shannon go shopping for a costume party
Still Open -  Gasoline Alley

Tamra, Shannon, Lydia, Kelly and Meghan go to drag queen bingo where Lydia is the worst cross dresser in the world. 
Still Open  - Hamburger Mary's

Peggy (Cabernet and scallops) and her husband (salmon salad) go to dinner to talk about their daughter going to college in NYC
Closed - Babette's


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