NY - Season 9, Episode 15 - Oil and Vinegar

Sonja goes to get laser hair removal to prepare for her trip to Mexico
Still open - Romeo & Juliette Laser Hair Removal

The women all go to dinner (Dorinda - Chateau de Sancerre) and the Countess forces the issue of Ramona going on the trip to Mexico.  Ramona is not invited and informs Bethenny that is a group trip and she's coming.
Still open - Royal 35 Steakhouse

Ramona goes to the gym to burn off her wine and get ready for Mexico
Still Open - Complete Body 

Carole (tequila and grapefruit) and Adam (mezcal with grapefruit and a splash of aperol) set Tinsely (Tito's on the rocks with a splash of cranberry) up with Carole's friend Scott (vodka soda) who started Coupon Cabin
Closed - The Anthony


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