ATL - Season 1, Episode 4 - Bring on the Bling

Kim and her friend Cory meet for brunch with Nene where Sheree pretends to be sick and Kim brings her medicine in a ferragamo bag
Hotel is open, but it appears the restaurant has changed - Intercontinental 

Nene and Dwight meet for lunch to talk about the drama and getting Brison a suit
Closed - Strip

Nene, Sheree, Cory and Kim were supposed to go to Kai Medical Spa for a girls day.  Nene backed out right before the event.
Still Open - Kai The Medical Spa

After the spa Kim and Sheree take the kids to dinner
Still Open - ippolito's 

Deshawn has her very sad gala where instead of raising 1 million dollars she raises 10k. 


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